Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Around the Blogosphere: Chess Femme News

Time to check the other chess blogs run by chess femmes and see what's up with them:

Susan Polgar

Interview with Judit Polgar
January 18, 2012
Thornhill Sisters are National Junior Chess Champions
January 18, 2012
GM Viktorija Cmilyte manages to draw a game in which she had 2 queens, hmmm...
Tata Steel Chess 2012 "En Passant" Round 4 Interview
January 18, 2012

Alexandra Kosteniuk's "Chess Blog"

The most exclusive chess pocket watch ever made!
January 16, 2012
I'm not sure what, precisely, a chess pocket watch is.  I mean, can one play chess on it?  It doesn't look like it -- so what, exactly, does it do that is "chess?"  In any event, there is a smoking hot photo of GM Alexandra Kosteniuk, who has done modelling for many years to supplement her chess earnings.  This photo is - well, see for yourself.
Girls just wanna play chess - two news reports about girls and chess
January 16, 2012

Alina L'Ami

Her husband, GM Erwin L'Ami, is playing at Wijk aan Zee (2012 Tata Steel) and she is there doing this, that and the other thing, including blogging at her blog and taking photos, etc. for (I presume) Chessbase reports.  She always has something entertaining to photograph or write.

Catch up on Jennifer Shahade.  She's been busy playing poker and doing her chess thing.  Naked Chess, anyone?  I'd be much more interested if the male players looks less like 13 year olds who can never get enough to eat and more like Chipendale hunks :)

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